19th Annual Fun Fish

This past weekend here at Camp ASCCA we held our 19th annual Fun Fish Weekend for anglers with disabilities. We started the weekend with one of our volunteer boaters demonstrating his unique painting technique and a campfire with smores. Saturday morning started off a little windy, but we got a great morning of fishing in before lunch. We ran into some bad weather Saturday afternoon and had to spend that time with fun games and a Talent Show that everyone seemed to love. Saturday evening we had organized games in the gym. Sunday morning brought with it more rain and storms so we had fun with Trivia Games that helped add points to the camper’s total fish count. Our awards ceremony took place after lunch with Doug Jones winning the Big Fish contest and Ben Brewbaker winning the Overall Most Fish Caught award. Congratulations to these and all our Fun Fish winners.

This weekend would not have been possible without great help from Staff, Volunteer Counselors, Volunteer Boaters, and our wonderful Nursing Staff. Thank you all for the terrific job you did this weekend and hope to see everyone back at next year’s 20th Annual Fun Fish!!!! If you would like to see more photos of this weekend, please check out our Flickr page and find us on Facebook.

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