2014 Camp ASCCA Cardboard Boat Regatta Race

Thursday July 3rd, 2014, was the start of a new tradition and the day that Camp ASCCA had its first annual camper/counselor cardboard boat regatta race. Each cabin came together to build their own unique boat made of cardboard, duct tape, pool noodles, and trash bags within a forty-five minute time limit.

Once the boats were finished, campers were strapped into life vests and seated in the boats while the chosen staff member from the cabin pulled the boat through the swimming pool.

In the first race made up of 5 cabins, the Choctaw boys cabin won the regatta race. In race number two, the girls cabin, Creek, won because of their clever boat construction.

The Choctaw boys chose to attach blown up trash bags to the sides of their boat to help keep the cardboard afloat while the Creek ladies chose to build their cardboard with sturdy sides and a base consisting of pool noodles.

After both of these teams won their races, it was time for the final competition. The first team to the opposite end of the pool and back wins.

After a hard fought battle between Choctaw and Creek, the Session One winner of the 2014 Camp ASCCA Cardboard Boat Regatta Race is….. Choctaw!!! Congratulations to the Choctaw boys and great job on their fantastic boat building!

Camper and counselor win their race in the regatta boat race. Camper and counselor win the overall regatta boat race.

-Kasey Langley, PR Staff
Camp ASCCA 2014
Session 1

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