2014 Camp ASCCA Summer Staff

Meet this year’s Camp ASCCA summer staff of 2014! Every year, the new summer staff arrives at Camp ASCCA in late June for a week of orientation and training. Each day is full of new adventures. From team building in group elements to safety training for each program, the new staff is prepared for anything that comes there way.

Every orientation week Camp Director, Matt Rickman, spends time instilling in the minds of the counselors the importance of ensuring safety at all times. Each year during the first week of summer orientation, counselors learn the ins and outs of Camp ASCCA’s safety procedures at each of the many programs.

“Safety is Swag” is a fun phrase coined last summer by the summer staff at Camp ASCCA and will carry on into each summer because safe is the coolest way to be. Here at Camp ASCCA safety is most important with a great big dose of fun to go along with it!

In just one week of training, complete strangers become close and create a bond that will last a lifetime. As the staff bonds grow, a Camp ASCCA family is created. The trust and joyful energy developed in the 2014 summer staff is going to lead to a Camp ASCCA summer that will be remembered forever.

Camp ASCCA staff learns the proper methods of using harnesses at zipline.

Orientation 2014

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