6th graders from Lee-Scott attend annual science camp!

Camp ASCCA hosts many science camps during the spring and they are PACKED with fun and education. Yeah, yeah, yeah… “education”. Well we work very hard with the teachers, volunteers, and collaborative organizations to make these days and weeks a success for the students.

On April 29-May 1, 2015 we hosted Lee Scott Academy‘s 6th grade Environmental Science Camp! Over the three day period the group had fun and learned while participating in group elements, archery, the environmental center, climbing the cargo net, zip lining, canoeing, searching for critters in the Living Streams program, fisning, going down the waterslide and even venturing out on a night hike!

Take a look at a few photos of the kids a a couple of programs on our Flickr page here! To find out more about our Environmental programs and science camps, contact Lyle Coutts or visit our special web page here!

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