A bittersweet goodbye from Cathy Jones

Cathy Jones, Camp ASCCA’s staff accountant of 20 years, retired from Camp this past January. She is missed every day by our staff, but we know what a great time she is having up in North Carolina! Thank you, Cathy, for your past and ongoing support of Camp ASCCA! The following is a message from Cathy, originally posted on the Winter 2011 ASCCA Vision newsletter:

My how time flies! It really does when you’re having fun, and that describes my work here at Camp ASCCA. It’s hard to believe that I came here 20 years ago, December 16, 1991. I really do enjoy performing the various accounting functions associated with my position. I have seen many changes through the years, staff and otherwise. I have wonderful people to work with, but the biggest and best changes have come through computerized accounting. I thought that I would be working here at least another five years, but God has other plans. Upon retirement, I will relocate to North Carolina to work in our church headquarters. God gave me this job, and now He has chosen something else for me. I will miss Camp ASCCA, but also look forward to what lies ahead.

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