Yesterday was the first full day of Mobile Rotary Week! The campers and counselors were up bright and early for flag raising. Davis Lodge did the traditional flag raising this morning. At flag raising the cabin must raise the flag, have a joke, quote, prayer, and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

We then went for breakfast, and after, we had our first two program rotations. During this time, they also had just about every other program open except for Splash Pad, and Zip-Tower. I was at tubing for both rotations so that I could capture the endless camper smiles in the tubes. There were only a few rides per rotation, so we took them on the long version of a tube ride. We went all the way over by the zipline. We all waved at each other in passing. It was just hilarious and sweet to see all the campers facial expressions change throughout the ride. Some are terrified when they get on, but once they realize how relaxing it is, they start smiling and singing. Each camper enjoyed their extended tube ride.

We then went for lunch, and we also had ASCCA Achievements. The campers came up one by one during lunch to receive their awards. One camper is recognized from each program before lunch as being the most helpful or having the best attitude. Next in the schedule, we had two more rotations, and I had archery. The campers were given the safety speech but by someone different. Cody, who is on full time staff, ran archery yesterday while Brandon helped out the adventure staff. The campers learned how to shoot with a crossbow, compound bow and a few others.

Later on, we had dinner, and then it was time for cabins to split up for free choice activities or the pool party. We switched the cabins from the night before so that everyone could get a chance to go to the pool party. Free choice was open for bungee trampoline, karaoke, fishing, putt putt, Wii room, and canoeing. The bungee trampoline and karaoke were very popular last night. Campers were all bouncing and singing until they couldn’t any more. After programs ended, we sang the Goodnight Song right before we all went to bed.
To see pictures from throughout the week, visit our Flickr page and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Session five and Camp ASCCA.