A Day Full of Firsts

By Megan Wright

As you know, we’ve got a busy week going on here at Camp ASCCA with both the MDA Camp and Counselor Orientation in full swing. Even though these two events are happening separately, today they had a common tie. Both a MDA camper and a new summer counselor stepped out of their comfort zone and tried something they had never done before.

This morning, a very excited MDA camper braved the zip line for the first time in his life. After coming down from the platform, he said, “That was the most fun thing I’ve done so far!” Just seeing his huge smile and that extra bounce in his step made my morning, and I’m positive that his zip line experience made his.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, a new summer staffer got to experience something brand new today too. During training for the horseback program, the program staff needed a volunteer rider to demonstrate a safety technique. A counselor, Madison, volunteered. After her job was finished, she walked over to the side of the ring and said, “I hope someone got a picture of that! That was my first time on a horse.” (Don’t worry, I got it!)

Today was living proof that it doesn’t matter if you’re 8 years old or 20 years old, Camp ASCCA can always provide opportunities for you to try new things and to gain great life experiences to hold for the rest of your life.

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