A gift to Camp ASCCA

On April 25-27, 2014, the Pensacola Post-Polio Support Group visited Camp ASCCA for a weekend of recreation, friendship, and fun! This is an annual trip taken by members of this group, along with many family members.

Over the weekend Artist George Dethlefs presented Amber Cotney with a very special gift for Camp ASCCA on behalf of the Pensacola Post-Polio Support Group. The gift is a piece of driftwood from the shores of Camp ASCCA that he spent the past year carving into a crane! He picked up the piece of wood during last year’s visit and knew what he wanted to make it in to.

The gift will be mounted and displayed for all campers to enjoy in the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center.

For a few more detailed pictures of the carving, visit Camp ASCCA’s photo album.

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