A Great Week of Sports Camp

This week was not only Session 3 of Camp ASCCA, it was also… SPORTS CAMP WEEK! Sports Camp was jam packed with such as activities as Wheelchair Basketball, Handball, Tennis, SCUBA diving, Handcycling, Ultimate Frisbee, Ziptower, and Canoeing.

This year Camp ASCCA welcomed back Coach Jared Rehm to lead the program alongside our own Cody Graham. Coach Jared is over the Adaptive Sports program at Auburn University and recently received a Doctorate in Biomechanics. Along with his expertise, he brought 14 Court Wheelchairs from Auburn to accomadate participants during various sports.

The campers of Sports Camp consisted of individuals both with and without disabilities…a point Coach Jared says is beneficial for all. He stated that it gives those with disabilities the opportunity to grow confidence and that often they realize they are better at certain maneuvers than their counterparts. On the other hand, it gives those campers without disabilities an opportunity to see what wheelchair sports are like.

Sports Camp 2015 is now in the books. We want to thank Coach Jared and Cody for an awesome week. Congratulations to all Sports Camp participants for their hard work and putting their game faces on!

Check out more Sports Camp photos on Flickr.

Over and Out!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 3: 2015

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