A Little Rain Won’t Stop Session 1

Session 1 is finally here and we are so excited to kick things off! Campers eagerly checked in this afternoon and made their way to the cabins to meet their counselors. We had many new and familiar faces today. Even the rain could not stop us from having a great day.

After the campers checked in they made their way to find the cabin they will be in for week. There, our program staff unloaded the luggage and they were greeted by their counselor. Every camper who arrived today had the biggest smile on their face because they knew the fun that this week would have in store for them.

After check in wrapped up we all made our way to the dining hall to take individual camper and counselor pictures. We then sang some camp songs as we waited on the doors to open for dinner. Today was a great day, and we cannot wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us at Camp ASCCA.

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun Camp ASCCA has to offter.

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