A Note From Nurse Joe – Check You Medications!

Dear Campers and Families,

Applications are pouring in, and I am getting so excited at the prospect of seeing you all again.

I want to remind you about your medicines. Be sure and contact me if you go to the doctor and he or she changes you medicines. It is easy to get a hold of me by phone or email. This way I can enter your current information into our computerized medication system and make sure your check-in is a breeze. Check-in has to be done by hand if you do not let me know in advance of changes. This also delays you at check-in, and everyone in line behind you. Our pre-printed medicine sheets are best for us to have when you arrive. So, give a brother a break and contact me with medicine changes before you arrive for camp.

Hooray for Camp Director Matt! He has given me permission to hire an extra nurse this summer to help with check-in. You may see as many as six nurses at check-in! Our goal is for each camper and his family to have a safe, convenient, and quick check-in. Things went well last summer and we are going to improve your experience this summer.

You’ll be hearing more from me soon,

Nurse Joe

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