A Note from Nurse Joe – Cold Weather Tips

Brrrrrr! We sure have had some cold weather lately! I was visiting with Nurse Debra and her little Pug, Bernadette, at our home in Georgia the other day. I asked Bernadette what she was doing in a sweater and ear muffs. Bernie told me she was getting ready for a cold snap, and that her little ears were delicate. This reminded me to share some cold weather tips with our ASCCA Family.

  • Be sure and get some exercise during the cold weather! Go outside and have a snowball fight or build a snowman, or make snow angels, if we are lucky enough to have some snow. You will feel better.
  • Dress in layers for the outside. You will feel warmer with several layers and a lighter jacket than a heavy coat over a t-shirt. You will feel warmer with a scarf and hat, also. Avoid cotton. Cotton is rotten for staying warm. Wool and synthetic fabrics, like fleece, are best.
  • Make sure you drink enough water. You can get dehydrated just as quickly during the winter as during the summer. Obey your thirst!
  • Be sure your wheelchair battery has a good charge before going out. If the temperature is below 40, you can expect your battery to lose charge in about half the usual time.
  • Be careful around space heaters, especially kerosene ones. A window should be cracked for kerosene or propane heaters. Keep things that can burn away from all space heaters.

You can find tons more great information at: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/

Nurse Debra, an infection preventionist, reminds us to keep washing our hands and to avoid sneezy people. Flu season is really heating up, she says, and it is not too late to get your flu shot.

Stay well!

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