A Note from Nurse Joe – Hand Hygiene Alert

Oh, boy! I am busy getting ready for the summer, and I am soooo looking forward to seeing my old friends again, and making some new ones.

Flu season is almost over, and I hope you have stayed healthy. I want to share a special magic way to stay healthy all year round, and it doesn’t cost a cent. Wash your hands! Doctors and nurses know this is absolutely the best way to stay healthy. It works better than any medicine. Staying well is much better than getting well.

We should wash our hands whenever we eat, go to the bathroom, or do something icky. The water temperature does not matter, so adjust it for comfort. Wash for 15 seconds while rubbing your hands together. A good way to know if you have washed long enough is to sing “Happy Birthday to You” two times. Then rinse and leave the water running. Grab a paper towel and dry your hands. Use the paper towel to turn off the water. Don’t throw away that paper towel yet! Did you know a lot of people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom? Gross! You don’t want to touch the same yucky door knob they touched, so use your paper towels to open the door. Now you can toss that paper towel. You are good to go.

Hand washing is the best way, but sometimes there is no running water. That’s when hand sanitizer sure comes in handy. It is easy to use. Just squeeze a dime-sized amount on one hand and rub your hands together until the gel is dry. That’s all there is to it. Remember, hand washing is best.

*A Note to Families and Caregivers: Hand sanitizer is not effective at all against norovirus or rotavirus, two very common causes of diarrhea. Hand washing is the only thing that works with these pathogens. It is important to choose hand sanitizer that is at least 60% ethanol when shopping. There are products out there that are only 40% ethanol; this amount will not kill germs. Camp ASCCA is passionate about keeping our campers well, so they can make the most of their time here. Parents and caregivers will notice many hand hygiene stations at camp. If you have any questions about wellness at Camp ASCCA, please contact me.

See you soon,
Nurse Joe

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