A Peaceful Night Fishing

Now that the first full day of Session 7 has ended and we start our second full day, I would like to take a look back on last night’s activities. We had a very busy day here at Camp yesterday because we had a day of four program rotations. A lot of times we usually do two rotations and the second part of the day is free choice time, but that was not the case yesterday. This led to us having evening free choice, which is some of my favorite activities here at Camp.

We run very similar evening free choice activities as we would do during a typical day, but programs are not as hot. It makes programs like fishing a little more peaceful. I was fortunate enough to go along with the guys who went fishing, which included some Camp ASCCA campers and their counselors, and we were also joined by a camper and his buddy who are here with the Alabama Head Injury Foundation.

It was an unusual night at fishing because not that many campers wanted to choose it as their free choice, but less people made for a relaxing night. The dock was wide open with plenty of room to fish, and the campers and their counselors (or buddy) got the chance to spend more time with each other. Last night’s fishing program was a great way to end a great first full day here at Camp ASCCA.

To see more pictures from yesterday and last night, please visit our Flickr page. Be sure to follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Camp ASCCA.

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