A Rainy Week Didn’t Bring Us Down

By Megan Wright
Session 2

As you all know from our internet connection being down for most of the week, we’ve had a few big storms here at camp. These storms messed with more than just our internet connection, they also forced us to alter our schedule for the week. Though our regular activities often got cancelled, we had a lot of fun spending time indoors and doing rain activities.

Our evening program on Wednesday, Banana Olympics, also had to be altered a little bit. Instead of going around the camp for the different events like the discus throw, high dive, and zipline, all the events were held in the gym.

Today the rain actually helped out a bit. By ending our free period a little early, the campers had extra time to get ready for the dance. We also got to eat dinner half an hour earlier than expected, which gave the campers more time to get their groove on.

All in all, the rain and storms were a blessing and a curse. However we’re definitely crossing our fingers for better weather next week.

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