A Scene from Today at Camp ASCCA!

Keeping with the theme of this week, Hollywood, our campers were very theatrical today especially at the zipline.

For one camper it was his first time going to the zipline, but unlike the typical camper he didn’t seem nervous at all. Robert was a pro and had a great time on the zipline, although his face may not have said it all. Other campers in his group really showed their love for the activity by throwing their hands in the air and yelling the whole way down. It’s always so exciting to see campers having the best time at programs! Shoutout to Adventure Staff for being awesome and running such a great program for the campers to enjoy.

Even though the week is starting to wind down everyone is excited for the dance. We can’t wait to see what celebrities will show up to dance the night away! Hopefully our paparazzi skills will come in handy tomorrow to catch some great shots.

To see photos from today and the rest of the week check Flickr!

Rachel Session 6 2013

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