A Zippy Tuesday at Camp ASCCA!

Here at ASCCA we have three ziplines; the zipline, the Zip Tower and the new LPR Zipline are all available for campers to ride. Each zipline has its own unique twist. At the Zip Tower, campers are pulled up or help pull themselves up. However, at Zip Tower campers are given the choice of two different rock walls to get to the top. Each line gives campers a challenge by choice opportunity of a life time.

This morning a group of campers made their way to the zipline for a little adventure. The zipline zooms by the lake, where tubing can often be seen waving. Many campers are nervous to go but always come down with a smile on their face!

Each afternoon campers get free choice activities to choose from. Today an option was the Zip Tower which is not open for regular activity rotations. The Zip Tower is a longer and higher version of the zipline. Campers have the choice between a slanted or vertical rock wall to climb their way up! Cole chose to do the challenging vertical wall!

Today proved to be an adventurous Tuesday for many here at ASCCA. To see more pictures from the week click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun Camp ASCCA has to offer.

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