Adventure is out there…

“We live in a wonderful world
that is full of
Beauty, Charm, and Adventure.

There is no end to the adventures
we can have if only we seek them
with our eyes open.”
— Jawaharlal Nehru

Tonight we traveled the world.The Boys/Girls cabins and our Chinese group were split into traveling groups (when traveling the “Buddy System” is key) and they each were sent out to explore the world.

Each group was given a passport and told NOT to lose it… we all know that a lost passport is a nightmare while traveling!

The moment you get your passport stamped is when the trip gets real and you are officialy a World Traveler!
Our travel destinations tonight were: China, Mexico, America, Italy and France. To enter each Country the group had to show their passport and get it stamped before they could continue on their exciting journey.
As each group traveled tonight they learned a few fun facts about each Country visited, played games and had a traditional snack at each destination.
In China they learned about the Mid-Autumn Festival, a festival that is celebrated in September or early October and got to eat a Moon Pie YUM!!!! Then each person got to write down a wish and then the wishes were tied to a lantern and then let go.
Hola! In Mexico each group got to pick out a pinata for the group to smash open. Anyone who wanted to try to open the pinata was blindfolded and spun in a circle 3 times before being pointed toward the pinata. Each person took their turn until eventually the pinata busted open and candy filled the floor. While doing this activity the group learned how to count to 3 in spanish. (Muy Bien Campers and Counselors!)
In America the groups were greated by Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam then they had a great time playing games. The groups had various games to choose from… there was cornhole, ladder golf and glow-stick horseshoes. #Murrica
Bonjour! In France each group learned a few fun facts about the history and traditions of the French. Then they made Eiffel Towers out of marshmallows.
In Italy the groups were given a paper plate, tape and paper towel rolls. With these items they made their best attempts of building their very own Leaning Tower of Pisa.
It has been a great night full of adventure and now we are completely exhausted from all of out travels. (Major Jet Lag!)
So we must say…
Goodnight, Buenas Noches, Bone Nuit, Buonanotte
For pictures of all our adventures while traveling the world check out Flickr!

As always it has been a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
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