Adventures in Nature: Meet Alli O.

It was an adventurous morning in Nature!

We spent the morning exploring the exhibits of the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center.

The Dunn Center has various interactive exhibits with different themes: land, water and sky. Campers will wander exhibit to exhibit asking questions and staring in awe as they learn interesting facts about the world around them.

After spending time in the Dunn Center the group headed out on a scavenger hunt! The group split up in 2 groups, they were given slips of paper with different things to find in the nature that surrounded them. For each item the group received a point, over 50 points were earned.

Nature is a very interesting and fun activity! Nature is a program ran by program staff, Alli Ownby. Alli is a Pre-Med/Biology major and this is her fourth summer here at Camp ASCCA. She spent her first summer in 2013 as a counselor and has spent every summer since then working in Nature. Alli is fantastic at her job because she loves the Dunn Center and sharing science with all of our Campers!

“By working at Camp ASCCA I have learned personal accountability, adapting to different needs and the value of empathy.”

As Always it is a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

Check out all the memories being made and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016
Nature: Alli O
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