Alabama Aktion Clubs are here!

What is an Aktion Club? Aktion Club is the only community-service club for adults living with disabilities. Aktion Club allows members to develop initiative and leadership skills in serving their communities while enabling their integration into society.

The Alabama Aktion Clubs are holding a weekend conference here at Camp ASCCA. There will be leadership workshops that include officer training, leadership skills, adviser training, and working with Kiwanis. There will also be Social & Service workshops concentrating on socials for Aktion Clubs, community service projects, SCAW and Eliminate projects, and fundraising.

Not to worry folks, the members will enjoy some recreational camp fun too! The splash pad, miniature golf, talent show and a dance are on the agenda. And for a special gift for Camp ASCCA, they will hold a “clean up Camp ASCCA” service project as well.

More about Aktion Club:

  • More than 400 clubs in seven nations
  • The fastest-growing program within Kiwanis International
  • Aktion Club originated in Florida in 1987 and was adopted as an official sponsored program of Kiwanis International in 2000.

For more information in Alabama, contact Alabama Aktion Club Administrator Glenda Selman or visit their website here. Contact Glenda for information on starting a new Aktion Club or help with your current club.

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