Alabama Pilot Club Fall Council

Camp ASCCA board member, Suzanne Kendra, facilitated contact between me and Alabama District Pilot Club Governor, Lisa Patterson. As a result, Lisa invited me to represent Camp ASCCA at the Pilot’s Fall Council in Guntersville. The Pilot Clubs of Alabama are long time supporters of Camp ASCCA and that relationship is greatly appreciated.

It is always an honor for me to have the opportunity to spend time with Pilot Club members. The atmosphere is always fun and uplifting. On October 10th, I was able to thank the Pilots for all of the many years of their involvement, work and support with Camp ASCCA. To give just one example, Camp ASCCA was highlighted in the Pilot International magazine, The Pilot Log; Winter 2014 edition. Scroll to page 24 to read the article. I was grateful for this recent opportunity to say, “thank you!”

If your church, school, civic/service club or group would be interested in scheduling me as a speaker please email:

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