All About The ARC of Macon

There are close to 100 campers this week at Camp ASCCA… And these people are some of the nicest, joyous, most glad-to-be here campers you’ll ever meet!

We’ve captured photos of a few of the activities and posted them on our Flickr page. The ARC Macon also has a Facebook page and if you “like” them, you can see even more photos of their week at Camp ASCCA along with other information about their services.

The ARC of Macon – Turning developmental disabilities into possibilities since 1953.

“At ARC we believe that people with developmental disabilities have the same rights and responsibilities as every other citizen and that all people should have the opportunity to experience fulfillment in their lives. We also believe that individual rights are enriched through services that provide advocacy and support according to an individual’s strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences. We greatly appreciate the support of our community in our efforts to better serve the needs of those we serve.”

Find out more at

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