All Work, Some Play!

Program staff training is well underway and everyone is hard at work, learning the ins and outs of their various activities. As staff members break off into their respective groups throughout the day, each of them is learning proper protocol to ensure the fun and safety for all our campers when participating in each activity. They have a lot to cover in the coming days and the weather’s been a little muggy, but each staff member is still finding ways to have fun in spite of.

Our Aquatics staff began their training at the Splash Pad then worked their way over to the pool, where they went over pool safety and proper measurement of chemicals and pH levels. Staff members were eager to get hands-on as they tested the pool water’s pH level and discussed what to do when it was too high or too low. Today, they were joined by members of the Farm staff at the water slide, where everybody got the chance to slide down in pairs and get a taste of how much fun our campers will have this summer! They also learned how to properly operate the water slide, transfer campers on and off and slide down with them, safely.

Program Staffers practice transferring campers to the raft for water sliding.

The Farm staff dug deep with their training as each member covered the essentials of their individual activities. They then learned how to properly operate and transport campers and counselors on our infamous People Movers! They went over how to load and unload passengers, the proper way to hitch a trailer and acceptable places to park for easy transfer of campers to their activities. Some of the staff even got a chance to drive the People Movers themselves, which they thoroughly enjoyed.

The Adventure staff is taking their training fun to new heights as they try their hand at zip lining, rock climbing and other outdoor adventures. Staff members are paying close attention to safety procedures and ways to ensure our campers are at ease, since some of these activities can be a little intimidating.

Staffers listen intently  to program director as she explains proper protocol at zip lining.

Stay tuned as we cover more of our 2017 Program Staff and their training this week on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Program Staff Training

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