Allison Wetherbee visits United Way

Our staff loves to help out during United Way campaigns. It is a great way for us to share the Camp ASCCA story to so many community members.

Allison Wetherbee got to share information on Camp ASCCA today at the final reporting luncheon at the Lake Martin Area United Way! After hearing Allison speak, very frequently donations go up for the United Way and Camp ASCCA!

By the way, the LMAUW is at 86% of their $550,000 goal and they are extremely confident they’ll reach their goal by the first of the year! Congratulations to them! We appreciate being a recipient agency!

Shown from left to right: Tom Lamberth, LMAUW Campaign Chair, Sharon Fuller, LMAUW Executive Director, Allison Wetherbee, and Tommy Spraggins, LMAUW President.

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