And the Award Goes To

Wow, what a week it has been here at Camp ASCCA. Session six was nothing but amazing and it was a special week for a lot of our staff. As school begins to start a lot of our staff members had to say their goodbyes last night as their fun filled summer here at Camp has to come to an end. I can not think of a better way to celebrate the summer and session six than to have a dance, so we did just that.

Before we get in the dance, it is important to recognize some individuals who went above and beyond throughout the week. As always we have an awards ceremony right after dinner and this weeks was very special. We start with the program staff awards, which is given by each program staffer who chooses that one camper who really stood out amongst their rotation that week. A special congratulations to Ms. Lulu, Mr. Eric H., Mr. Matthew P., Ms. Cheryl, Ms. Paula S., Ms. Ashley S., Mr. Sam S., Ms. Nikki J., Mr. Levi. Along with the program staff awards there is an award for the best program staffer. This week’s winner is Beua Castor, who works for our adventure staff. Congratulations Beau, you deserve it.

Following the program staff awards we go into some more individual awards. This weeks best camper award goes to Mr. Levi S., and Ms. Joy. Congratulations guys and thanks for going above and beyond this week. With great campers comes great counselors, and that is why we have a best counselor of the week award. This week’s winner in Tre Marbury, congratulations Tre it is well deserved.

We had a very special award to give out last night to a few individuals on our staff. These individuals are on their A-game consistently and we can not thank them enough for all of their hard work. This award went to our nurses, congratulations nurses, we can not thank you enough. We always give out one group award and that goes to the best cabin of the week. The award for honor cabin for session six is Redstick Cabin. Congratulations Redstick, way to bring the spirit two weeks in a row.

To see more pictures from last night’s awards visit our Flickr page. Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Camp ASCCA.

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