Another Talented Week of Camp

As yet another Camp ASCCA talent show comes to a close it is overwhelming the amount of talent the campers possess.

There were quite a few singers in the crowd tonight (including several renditions of Justin Bieber’s hit ‘Baby’) and also several groups with dance routines.

Redstick cabin graced the stage with their singing and dancing skills to Ke$ha and a camper, Sam, gave a wonderful performance of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ for everyone to enjoy.

The Sickle Cell group girls came up with a dance routine with their counselors and program staff and finished off with a cheer. Sickle Cell boys closed out the evening with Bruno Mars and some dancing.

As always good job to everyone who participated and it was a great time.

Pictures of tonight’s show will be on Flickr tomorrow morning! Check Facebook for more updates!

Rachel Session 4 2013

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