Anyone Up For Tennis?

While the ASCCA campers were off having a cabin party, the Sports Camp crew were off doing a little something different. They hit the tennis courts for several fun matches of tennis.

The fun began with the counselors teaching their campers how to properly handle a racket. Whether in a wheelchair or out, they were taught the rules and techniques of tennis. Through trial and error, with many a ball going out of range, everyone eventually grew to comprehend the sport.

All of their training culminated in a game of Maniac Tennis, in which the main objective was to do everything imaginable to keep the tennis ball bouncing. Everyone was split into 2 teams. For the first round they were randomly selected. For the second, they were split boys and girls. For both rounds, campers and counselors were running around frantically to keep their respective ball moving. While it could have been played as an individual effort, the players kept their teammates in mind, passing the ball to them whenever they had the chance. There was a real sense of teamwork and energy that could be found here tonight on the courts.

To see photos from this event and more, visit our Flickr.

– Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Session #3

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