Congrats to Today’s ASCCA Achievers!

Each day at lunch, we give out ASCCA Achievements. These awards go out to campers that show particular interest, talent, or super helpful during our morning rotations! All of our campers are awesome, but some go above and beyond during activities. We like to recognize these camper’s hard work!

Today was our first full day, which means our first day of achievements. During nature, our winner, Joshua, showed great interest in our project for the week. Joy, our demo farm winner, was helpful and cheerful throughout the whole rotation. For tubing, AJ had one of the biggest smiles of the summer. Brad, the winner of arts and crafts, had a great attitude and was very helpful. During archery, Shelby hit the bullseye multiple times; earning herself an award. During zipline, Bradley was the group’s cheerleader and received recognition for his encouraging words! At the pool, Stephen was an all-star playing basketball. Not a single person could get the ball past him!

Each camper had a blast today. We are so proud of all of our ASCCA Achievers on our first day of camp! There are so many more to come, and we cannot wait to share them!

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