ASCCA Awards Session Two

With session two coming to an end, I can honestly say that this week was one of the best weeks of my life. This week was adult week here at Camp ASCCA, which consist of anyone that is twenty four years of age or older. Last night before our dance we had our weekly awards banquet which happens after dinner every Thursday night. The awards banquet consist of awards given out by our program staff, the best program staff of the week,councilor of the week, male and female camper of the week, and finally honor cabin.

We had several program staff awards given out tonight so I would like to congratulate the following people for winning a program staff award: Ms. Mary Ann Tolver, Mr. Gaddies Hill, Ms. Kristen Kennedy, Ms. Maggie Rouselle, Ms. Shelby Boldin, Mr. Andrew Crowell, Mr. Cody Gammon, Mr. Sam Sullivan, Mr. Paul Carwell, and Mr. Chad Sanders. Congratulations to all of these individuals, who showed enthusiasm, and positive energy throughout the week.

Before moving on to some more of our awards, I would like to say a congratulations to everyone for their outstanding work this week. First up, we have program staff of the week award, which was given to Lance Chayka, Lance is the program staffer who is in charge of nature. Next, we have best councilor of the week, which was awarded to Caroline Kelly, congratulations Caroline. Next, we have our campers of the week award, this week’s winners were Ms. Wanda Caver and Mr. Paul Carwell.

Last but not least we have our honor cabin award. Every week, each cabin competes to become honor cabin by: being on time, showing cabin spirit, and keeping their cabin clean. This week’s honor cabin award was awarded to Cheaha Cabin, congratulation Cheaha Cabin, keep up the good work.

As session two comes to an end, be sure to check out all of the pictures from session two by checking out our Flickr. As session three starts in just a few days keep a lookout on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for news about life here at Camp.

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