ASCCA Endowment Funds

Wouldn’t you like another child or adult with a disability to enjoy camp? Please consider making a donation to Camp ASCCA!

Campership Fund

Your tax-deductible gift will help provide a week of summer camp for a deserving camper.

Building Fund

Camp ASCCA was built through the generosity of individuals, civic clubs and foundations. Please consider making your mark on Camp ASCCA’s future by contributing to one of the current building projects – Cabin restroom renovations; pool, cabin and lodge renovations; accessible water playground; dining hall renovations. Visit

Endowment Fund

To ensure the future of Camp ASCCA. Your tax-deductible gift will help build our endowment fund. Once there, your donation will never be touched. The interest earned will be used to provide future generations the experiences that Camp ASCCA offers.

With help from individuals like you, in 2008 Camp ASCCA was able to provide over $325,000 in financial assistance to campers attending summer sessions!

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