Fall Family Weekend comes around every October, and we look forward to it year after year. It is the perfect way to reunite with our friends after an incredible summer. This year’s weekend was nothing short of perfect.
The staff members arrived Friday at 3 P.M., got their camper and cabin assignments, reviewed the weekend schedule, and then it was time to welcome our campers! Campers began rolling in at 4 P.M. with their costumes in hand, ready to get an unforgettable weekend started. After check-in with staff, campers were directed to their assigned cabins to meet their counselors, and get settled in before dinner.

Before we knew it, we were creeping up on the end of Friday night, but no day at Camp ASCCA is complete without showcasing the many talents our campers possess. We made our way to the OutPost to sit and enjoy the talent show. Our acts were filled with singing and dancing. We are biased, but ASCCA campers have the most talent this side of Lake Martin.
Saturday rolled around bright and early. We started our day with flag-raising before heading into the Dining Hall for breakfast. After breakfast, campers and staff felt energized and ready to start the day. Campers and counselors broke into their assigned groups and started with our program rotations. Throughout the day each group visited the zipline, archery, arts & crafts, and fishing. As always, each activity was a hit! Saturday night, campers and counselors dressed up in their costumes and made their way to the BcK4T as we welcomed Grady Spencer & the Work back to Camp ASCCA. Our ASCCA Concert Series was a huge success this summer, and it so fun to keep it going during Fall Family Weekend. Grady Spencer put on a great show, and it was an incredible way to end our day.

Weekends at Camp ASCCA seem to fly by way too fast, but before everyone parted ways, we made sure to make the most of the time we had left. Campers participated in various free-choice activities like boat rides, canoeing, slingshots, karaoke, and putt-putt.
Fall Family Weekend 2023 was one to remember. It’s always a joy to come back to Camp, catch up with old friends, make new friends, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Until next time, ASCCA friends.
To see more pictures from this weekend, click here. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all things ASCCA.