Tonight we had our first ever game of ASCCA Feud, where cabins competed against each other to bring home the victory and the right to say that they are the BEST cabin here at Camp ASCCA.

We even had our own host E. Hill with the assistance of the beautiful Gwin Walker, who needs Steve Harvey when you have these two running the show.

Each round started off with a toss-up question between 2 campers, the first camper to ring the bell got to answer and if they answered correctly their team got to try and guess the rest of the remaining answers from the toss-up question. If the campers answer was not on the board that team got a strike, if they got 3 strikes the other team gained control and the opportunity to steal all of the other teams points. We even had fast money rounds where counselors got the opportunity to bring home the win for their cabin.

We all had fun and enjoyed ASCCA Feud!

Now, we are exhausted from all of the fun, the Goodnight Song has been sung and we are all headed to bed!

We can’t wait to see what adventures tomorrow will bring, but for now we say Goodnight!

-Sara Shea, PR
Session 2

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