ASCCA Friends: Still Growing!

For the last couple of years, Camp ASCCA has enjoyed having its own social network: ASCCA Friends. For the Facebook fanatics, ASCCA Friends is very similar in design. You can post photos, videos, blogs, etc. But one of the greatest things about ASCCA Friends is the re-connections that are made between old friends and the new friendships that are made.

Since Camp ASCCA began in 1976, it is important to keep a strong connection between the past and the present, which is exactly what ASCCA Friends does. A surge in membership always occurs during the summer when parents, campers and new staff join.

But even since the summer of ’09, ASCCA Friends has had over 30 people join making the total over 700 members. There is also daily activity happening between members leaving comments for each other, adding photos and blogs, and accepting friendships. Thank you for the ongoing interest and participation! Click here if you would like to join us on ASCCA Friends.

Another huge bonus of ASCCA Friends is the personal testimonies that can be read on almost every member’s page! The experience of Camp ASCCA has touched so many people’s lives in so many different ways. Here are quotes taken from some of ASCCA Friends newest members.

Sonya – Counselor 1982 and ’83:

“Being given a chance to be responsible for someone other than myself at such a young age helped me prepare for my several career choices, from Medic, to Nurse to Safety professional. I have chosen a path always dedicated to helping everyone.”

Kerri – Summer Staff 1979 through 1982:

“Camp ASCCA helped make me who I am! I met my husband there and determined my career path there! Some of our best friends to this day are Camp ASCCA friends. I don’t know where I would be today if I hadn’t worked at Camp ASCCA!!”

Cindy – Summer Staff 1988 and ’89:

“I met my husband at camp for one thing! I just feel like being at Camp ASCCA was a life experience like no other. It is something you always remember and no one can understand the experience unless they do it.”

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