ASCCA Fun Fish 2019

Campers, staff and volunteers came together on March 22 to enjoy another annual Fun Fish Weekend at Camp ASCCA, but this one had a few exciting surprises that came along with it. Check-in began Friday afternoon at 4 p.m., and campers arrived with suitcases and fishing poles in tow. The campers were greeted by a big group of volunteers made up of past summer staff, local volunteers and members of Auburn’s Pi Kappa Phi fraternity.


As always, the weekend was packed full of fishing and friendship, and campers and their counselors had the opportunity to fish at the pond, the dock and out on boats with volunteer boaters. Outdoor Education Specialist Cody Graham setup a schedule that allowed each camper to have the chance to get on a boat, some for the first time, and fish across Lake Martin. The weather was perfect, and plenty of fish were caught. On Sunday, prizes were distributed to the winners of biggest fish and most fish caught in the male and female divisions. The male camper with the biggest fish was McClaine, and the female recipient was Reagan. The female camper who caught the most fish at 12 was Ashley, and Jozef caught 16 fish in the male division.


Every year, Fun Fish Weekend is sponsored by Civitans from the Alabama Central District. Members from our surrounding area made the trip to Jacksons Gap on Saturday to volunteer with Camp Director Matt Rickman and help spruce up the campus. Some groups even made donations of cleaning supplies, bingo prizes and much more. Another donation given to Camp ASCCA over the weekend came from Pi Kappa Phi’s Ability Experience, and two leaders from Auburn’s group presented a check to Outdoor Education Specialist Cody.


The biggest surprise for Fun Fish 2019 came Saturday night as everyone made the trek out to what used to be the horse barn for an evening concert. Since last summer, the Camp ASCCA staff has worked diligently to renovate the barn and turn it into a new arcade/concert stage now known as the BCK4T @ ASCCA. The act for the night was returning artist Charity Bowden. She’s performed two other times at the OutPost and in Lions Lodge. It was great to have her back, and we could not have asked for a better Fun Fish!

You can check out more moments from the weekend by visiting our Flickr page here.

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