ASCCA receives Technical Assistance Grant from CACF

Camp ASCCA was recently invited to the Shelter & Social Services Trust Grant Awards presentation by the Central Alabama Community Foundation, and Director of Marketing/Communications Dana Rickman was there to represent Camp ASCCA. Today, we received a Technical Assistance Grant of $2,500 from the Central Alabama Community Foundation (CACF).

Each year, the CACF presents this grant to a nonprofit organization that is “seeking to strengthen their internal operations and improve the effectiveness of their organization.” At Camp ASCCA, this particular grant offers support to our online DonorPerfect system that is used for donor tracking, stewardship, and fund development.

Pictured above is Director of Marketing/Communications Dana Rickman and CACF President Burton Ward during the grant presentation. Join us as we say thank you to the Central Alabama Community Foundation for their continued support of everything we do at Camp ASCCA!

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