ASCCA Staff Complete Bioassessment Training

On March 1 four Camp ASCCA staff members successfully completed training in stream bioassessment. Bioassessment is the use of living organisms, in this case macroinvertebrates, to determine the water quality of streams.

Josh Rhodes, Director of Environmental Education, along with Heather White, Nathan Waters, and Tom Collier all completed the training. They were joined by three other participants from the Lake Martin area. All of these participants are now certified to collect stream data as well as teach the Living Streams program, which is an integral part of the environmental program at camp. The training was conducted by Dr. Bill Deutsch and two of his students from Auburn University and was assisted by Dick Bronson of Lake Martin Lake Watch. Tommy Futral, Tallapoosa County Extension Agent, played a key role in setting up the session as well as assisting in the training. The five hour training took place at Camp ASCCA and included sessions in the Dunn Environmental Center as well as hands on training in two on site streams.

The training should come in very handy as camp has eight different groups scheduled to do environmental programs this spring over sixteen days. The Living Streams program and/or pond study will be taught to each group.
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