Athens Ladies Civitan Club

Rarely do I get to visit a club when they are having their regular business meeting. But that’s exactly what happen June 28th when I visited the Athens Ladies Civitan Club. During the first half of this meeting I listened to all of the activities these ladies have planned. They are extremely involved with their community and it was fun hearing about their events.

A couple of ladies had heard me speak before at Civitan district events. But this was new information about Camp ASCCA for most of these Civitan ladies. It’s always a pleasure to be the one presenting camp for the first time. The ladies and I had a ball talking and even went over the scheduled hour. I thank them for having me and look forward to visiting again.

I am available to speak for any club or group interested in Camp ASCCA and my presentations can be tailored to your specific needs. For more information, please email:

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