ATTENTION! Check-in tips from Nurse Joe!

Can you believe it? It is almost time for another amazing Camp ASCCA summer. We nurses are all looking forward to seeing our old friends, and making some new ones, too.

Many of you noticed that Check-in was pretty good last summer, and you can again help our ASCCA nurses keep it that way. Here’s how you can help:

  • Don’t come to camp if you are not feeling well. Give Matt a call or email and we will do our best to make alternate arrangements for you.
  • Don’t come if you have a temperature above 100.4 degrees or if you have any open wound. If you have been in the hospital a week or less before camp, call or email Nurse Joe. My email address is 256-825-9226.
  • We have pre-printed medication forms now. All of the medications you listed on your applications have been entered into our database. If your medications have changed, please contact Nurse Joe right away! This way your medication sheet can be updated before check-in. The more the nurse has to write, the longer it takes everyone to check in.
  • Be sure and send enough medication to camp! Send enough, plus one more, just in case one is dropped on the floor
  • Be sure your medications are properly packaged in the original prescription bottles. Camp ASCCA nurses are not allowed to give any medicine that has been repackaged. Be sure you have placed your meds in a zip-loc bag with the camper’s name on the bag. We have zip-loc bags available at check-in, but it will slow you down.
  • Medicines packaged in blister packs are best for the camper. Your pharmacist can help you with this. Mention Easter Seals Camp ASCCA and many pharmacists will not charge you for this service.
  • A quick check-in is good, but we want you to take all the time you need with your check-in nurse. This is the time to give the nurse any special instructions, and to have your questions answered. Camp ASCCA nurses are at your service.
  • Call or email Nurse Joe at any time, for any reason.
  • One last tip: Get ready for a great time! See you soon!
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