Autism Family Weekend 2015:Adventures with Jerry!

This weekend Camp ASCCA hosted the Autism Society of Alabama‘s (ASA) Fall Autism Family Weekend, also known as Camp Frog.

Camp Frog is a weekend for children (ages 6-21) with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families to experience camp in a traditional setting. This is why ASA chose Camp ASCCA. Here at Camp ASCCA we have the ability and resources to offer a traditional camp experience with all the supports needed for success.

ASA is a volunteer organization dedicated to education and advocacy for peoples with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families as well as raising awareness to the community. That’s where Jackie and Jerry the frog come in. Jackie and Jerry are ASA’s mascots. They travel the state of Alabama raising awareness and acceptance in the communities.

This weekend Jerry could NOT resist the fun and adventures of Camp ASCCA! We have had so much fun adventuring with Jerry this weekend. Jerry and Camp Frog started this weekends adventures with a bonfire (yes lots of smores were involved) and a dance night (Jerry loves to dance!). Then on Saturday we adventured all day long with boatrides, waterslide, swimming, zip-line, disk golf, climbing the cargo net, going fishing, playing at the splash pad and playing putt putt. Sounds like a fun day RIGHT!!! Well the fun didn’t stop there, we finished the perfect day of adventures with a Talent Show and it was AMAZING… even Jerry showed his talents of hula-hooping and dancing.

It has been yet another magical weekend at Camp ASCCA! To see the sparks of magic Camp ASCCA is having follow us on:
Instagram @campascca
Facebook: Camp ASCCA Easter Seals
Flickr: Camp ASCCA

Thank you Camp Frog for adventuring with us this weekend and we look forward to seeing you again soon! (Check Flickr for all the pictures of the adventures Camp Frog and Jerry went on this weekend!)

As always it has been a GREAT day/weekend at Camp ASCCA!

-Sara Shea, PR

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