This week’s theme is “Camp ASCCA Mysteries” and fittingly Tuesday afternoon we had a mystery snack. Campers and staff grabbed a snack out of the box without knowing what they would get. Some got Kit Kats, Goldfish crackers, or Fig Newtons.
To throw everyone off and keep this week a mystery, our Tuesday was backwards. Some of the campers and staff wore their clothes backwards, and our entire day was turned upside down. Our first mystery was what breakfast would be since it’s backwards. It turned out to be pizza and carrots!
We also had our talent show in the morning instead of at night. We spent all our time between breakfast and lunch at The OutPost dancing and singing to songs. We had our activity rotations after rest period instead of free choice activities like a usual Tuesday.

We ended up having our breakfast for dinner since we had dinner for breakfast. Everyone ate pancakes, sausage, and eggs. We had apple and orange juice, and for those really wanting to be upside down, there was coffee.
We had free choice after dinner instead of a usual night activity like our talent show. The activities open for campers to choose from included panning for gold, waterslide, fishing, cards & dominos, boatrides, and even a synchronized swimming class!

This week is sure to have many more mysteries in store for our campers and staff. Keep up with our Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates on the rest of this week’s mysteries and all of our summer activities!
April Garrett, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 5