Banana Olympics

This week’s evening programs have campers talking. Fireworks, pool parties, a lip sync competition, a dance, and Banana Olympics. You may know what the first four programs are but what about the last? It isn’t something you come across everyday.

In Banana Olympics, your team is given a banana to play the role of the Olympian. Campers name their Olympian and decorate him or her in their own fashion with socks, pipe cleaners, and stick on eyes. There is a rule however: only half the banana can be covered.

Then the banana is put to the test in games such as basketball, hockey, zip line, disc throw, long jump and last but not least, slingshot. If the banana falls and tears open or if the banana splits, the campers must shout for a medic. The medic comes to the rescue and patches the banana back up with bandages and tape. The team with the best looking banana and the most points after completing all the games is the winner! Wednesday’s winner: Chickasaw! You go girls.

To see more videos go to!

-Erica, session one

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