Banana Olympics: Session 6!

It’s the start of session six tonight and we’re starting it off right with a pool party and Banana Olympics!

It was quite humid tonight but that didn’t discourage us. Chickasaw, Moundville, Crow, Redstick and Cheaha cabins took to the banana challenge. Campers and counselors put their heads together to decorate and name their banana Olympian before heading out to face the competition.

The tasks included hockey, basketball, zip line, long jump, and disc toss. Campers tried to cause as little damage as possible to their banana Olympians in each task but its inevitable when you are hitting the bananas with a hockey stick or throwing them in the air. The medic had to be called over several times to fix busted peels and sliced or squished bananas.

Tonight’s champion: Puff Daddy of the Moundville Cabin! Congratulations ladies, you did a fine job tonight.

And in case you want to watch some Banana Olympics, I’ve uploaded a video about the Banana Olympics from session one below!

Erica Loyd
Session six

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