Bells are Ringing!

Each afternoon our campers have a choice to go to the pool, arts&crafts, canoeing, boat ride, fishing, Wii room, games, or the cargo net. Campers love all of these activities, but there are a few favorites, such as the pool and the boat ride that the majority want to do, but some of our campers branch out to try new things.

This afternoon a few of our brave campers chose to climb the cargo net, which is part of our ropes course. The cargo net is a 20 ft net that is suspended between 2 trees. The cargo net can be difficult or scary for some of our campers, which is why it is a Free Choice Activity and not a regular rotation activity.

Once all of the campers were strapped tight into their harnesses and had been given the rules they each waited their turn to climb the net and ring the bell. I was so proud of each camper as they made their way to the top of the net. It took bravery, persistence and a lot of work to get to the top. They could have given up when it got hard, but they didn’t. They kept their eye on the prize, made it to the top and proudly rang that bell for all to hear.

My favorite part is when they make it to the top and get to ring the bell, but this bell isn’t just any bell it is a COWBELL. I am from Mississippi State and we love to hear the beautiful sound of a ringing cowbell. Hail State!

-Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015

Session 1

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