While some campers and counselors ended their first night with a pool party, others headed down to the OutPost for Bingo! Led by members of our Adventure Program Staff, campers were able to play several rounds by themselves or with the help of a counselor. Whoever reached Bingo first got to pick from a selection of prizes which included things like bubbles, a cloth phone case, bracelets, HotWheels cars and more!
Before counselors and campers arrived, Adventure Staff hurried to get everything set up. Fourth of July decorations were all around to go along with this week’s theme! Different variations of Bingo cards filled the tables, along with scraps of paper used to mark off the numbers that were called out. The Adventure Staff kept things interesting with different patterns required to get Bingo and fun tasks for counselors to do if they called out a false Bingo. One of those tasks was something they called “Stars”, which are essentially jumping jacks where your body position in the air, is that of a star. This is always fun to see because the counselors get in a nice little workout and the campers get a good laugh out of it.

We’re excited to see campers and counselors enjoy more activities at the OutPost like karaoke, talent shows and more. Be sure to check out more day one pictures on Flickr and see what our campers are up to throughout the week on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 1