Blob Hunt

Today was the first full day of Teen Week and Sports Camp and it has been great! For morning activites the campers enjoyed their regular activites such as: Water Slide, Tubing, Sports and Games, Nature, Zipline and Arts and Crafts.

After free choice activites and dinner all the campers got to participate in a “blob hunt”. It is where campers split up into their cabins and went around camp in search of a “blob”. The blob was actually a program staff hiding under a sheet. The campers would approach the “blob” and they had 3 questions they could ask. The trick to the questions were they had to only be yes and no questions. Once the campers asked there 3 questions they then could try and guess the name of the blob. If they got it right the blob signed a sheet of paper. All of the names will be tallied up and put toward honor cabin this week. Honor cabin is a huge deal this week and is graded on several different things such as: how clean a cabin is, how much each cabin participates in theme days, and the points they get in night programs.

Sports Camp got to participate in Wheel Chair Basketball and Tennis today. Both sports taught the campers a lesson in motivation, and the importance in creating possibilites for themselves in areas such as athletics in their schools. Campers learned each step. They learned how to control the sports chair, passing and dribbling techniques, how to shoot, and how to guard the opponent. Every camper was able to try out a chair for drills, even those who usually didn’t use a wheelchair on a daily basis.

If you are following along this week with the blog post and pictures you will probably notice that each day everyone at camp has on the same color. Since it is teen week everyday we have a different theme and color day. Today’s theme was Crazy Hat Day and Red Day. When walking across camp is a funny sight seeing all the crazy hats and the sea of red floating around camp. Tomorrow everyone will be suiting up in their Wacky Tacky Gear and all the Yellow clothing they can find!

Dont forget to check out our pictures all througout the week.

-Abby Brown
Session 3

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