Camp ASCCA Blog

Weekly ASCCA Awards

Tonight before the dance ASCCA Weekly Awards were given to campers and staff. Waterslide, tubing, and pool were combined to one Aquatics Award and given

Goodnight Camp ASCCA

When we grow too old to dream We’ll have you to remember. When we grow too old to dream Your love will live in our

Good Morning Camp ASCCA

A look at the series of morning rituals that Camp ASCCA partakes in. Clayton Smith, PR Camp ASCCA Summer 2016 Session #1

Epilepsy Foundation-Alabama

We had a special guest visit us at Camp ASCCA on Tuesday and Wednesday. Paige Norris, the outreach program director for the Epilepsy Foundation of


We play all day and night here at Camp ASCCA! Today we have gone down the zipline, we went water tubing, we got to pet

Welcome Home Campers! (Video)

Another video! This one showcases the excitement and anticipation that is felt during check-in day. Clayton Smith, PR Camp ASCCA Summer 2016 Session #1

Expanding the Possible

​Our campers are the pure image of courage! The word courage comes from the Latin word cor, meaning heart and the original definition was to