Camp ASCCA Blog

Movie Night!

Keeping with the theme of Movie Week, campers were treated to a movie tonight! Campers and counselors gathered in the dining hall to watch the

Camp ASCCA Memories

We sat down with several of our counselors to share some of their favorite stories from camp. Check it out! – Clayton Smith, PR Camp

Take #3

It is an absolutely Gorgeous day today here at Camp ASCCA. The sun is shining and there is a cool breeze blowing. We couldn’t ask

Camp ASCCA’s Got Talent!

“Kid there are heroes and there are legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid and you’ll never go wrong.” —

Giddy Up!

Horseback was opened up for free choice today! Campers were able to ride the horse, named Lexi, and see what it’s like to ride a

Take #1: B-I-N-G-O

The end of day 1 is coming to a close… or Take #1 as we have been calling it and it has been absolutely wonderful

“Casting” Call

“Ellen Brody: What am I going to tell the kids? Brody: Tell them I’m going Fishing!“ — JAWS — This afternoon we were “casting” for

Take #1

It has been a great first day at camp so far! This morning campers had 5 freechoice activities to choose from. Pool Arts & Crafts

Session 7: Movie Madness

LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! Session 7 is in full swing and we are already having a blast! Thank you Moms, Dads, Friends and Sponsors for allowing

Pool Party!

As summer comes to a close, so will Camp ASCCA. However, before that, we still have one more week of fun! As usual, the week