Camp ASCCA Blog

Mexican Monday!

Hola Our grand adventure traveling the world has started off to a great start and we cannot wait to tell you about all of the


It has been a beautiful day at the fishing pond. Fishing was a popular choice during free choice activity today. We had 2 groups come

Granja de Demostración (Demo Farm)

It’s “Around The World” Week at Camp ASCCA! In honor of today’s theme, Mexican Monday, the demo farm was taking on a mexican theme! Campers

Session 6 has Arrived!

Summer is flying by so fast… Session 6 has officially started. We are so excited to finally have our campers here and to have a

ASCCA Bingo!

Tonight, as the Session #6 campers were settling in, they were treated to a fun match of Bingo. Everyone listened with anticipation and excitement as

Party In The USA

Session #5 came to a close with yet another spectacular dance! Campers and counselors came together to dance to their favorite songs, old and new!

Kaleidoscope at Camp ASCCA!

Today I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Donnell Flowers and Caitlin Borri of Kaleidoscope, a Goodwill Easter Seals Program in Mobile,


“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt“ — Special Olympics Athlete Oath — In honor of the

ZipTower Adventures!

A more extreme alternative to the zipline, the ziptower gives riders an even bigger sense of scope and range than the regular zipline. Those willing