Camp ASCCA Blog


It has been a beautiful day at the fishing pond. Fishing was a popular choice during free choice activity today. We had 2 groups come

Granja de Demostración (Demo Farm)

It’s “Around The World” Week at Camp ASCCA! In honor of today’s theme, Mexican Monday, the demo farm was taking on a mexican theme! Campers

Session 6 has Arrived!

Summer is flying by so fast… Session 6 has officially started. We are so excited to finally have our campers here and to have a

ASCCA Bingo!

Tonight, as the Session #6 campers were settling in, they were treated to a fun match of Bingo. Everyone listened with anticipation and excitement as

Party In The USA

Session #5 came to a close with yet another spectacular dance! Campers and counselors came together to dance to their favorite songs, old and new!

Kaleidoscope at Camp ASCCA!

Today I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Donnell Flowers and Caitlin Borri of Kaleidoscope, a Goodwill Easter Seals Program in Mobile,


“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt“ — Special Olympics Athlete Oath — In honor of the

ZipTower Adventures!

A more extreme alternative to the zipline, the ziptower gives riders an even bigger sense of scope and range than the regular zipline. Those willing

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

For the past 31 years, the Mobile Rotary Club has generously sponsored over 100 campers for a week long stay at our very own Camp

Talent Show!

With over 50 performances from of the Mobile Rotary campers, tonight’s ASCCA Talent Show was quite packed with talent. Talents ranged from an excellent Elvis