Camp ASCCA Blog

Zipline Achievements

Several groups of adventurous Session 5 Campers made their way out into the woods today for an exciting ride at the Zipline! A typical day

Old Mac E-HILL had a farm….

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” — Anatole France — Each week I see the meaning of this

Rotary Day!

There are many people and organizations that without them we would not be able to have camp. The Rotary Club is one of those and

Minute to Win It!

Last night we played Camp ASCCA’s version of Minute to Win It! Much like the televised game show, contestants completed various 1 minute challenges with

Fun at Bocce Ball!

A group of Session 5 Campers tried their hand at Bocce Ball after a round of Putt Putt on this beautfiul Monday morning. The Bocce

Welcome Home Mobile Rotary!

Staff were lined up on both sides of ASCCA Road this afternoon anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Mobile Rotary campers. We were all excited

Keeping it Classy at BINGO!

Session 5 Campers are here!!! This evening half of our Session 5 Campers kicked off an awesome week with a classy game of BINGO in

All in the Family!

If you know much about Camp ASCCA or anyone affiliated, you have probably heard time and again that we at camp are a big extended

I Swear I Lived: Session 4

Tonight we circled up, hand-in-hand to sing the Goodnight Song for the last time this week. We have gone on many adventures this week. We

Meet Nurse Susan!

Camp ASCCA is proud to introduce Nurse Susan Jones! Nurse Susan comes to us from Northport, Alabama (close to Tuscaloosa). Susan has a diverse educational